Joilee Havner Celebrates Her First Full Year in Business

Glow Nutrition in Greensboro, NC | Photos by Alexis Armstrong | Courtesy of Picture Studios

What do you get when you mix sisterhood and self-love with painting and a little bit of tea? You get new girlfriends! If you find those friends at a Sip and Paint Social by Glow Nutrition, however, you call them GlowFriends. Scroll below to learn more about Joilee Havner (“Jolly”) and how she uses her local health and wellness brand to create community.

Photos By Alexis Armstrong

Joilee Havner is the founder of Glow Nutrition in Greensboro, NC.

1. She hosted a Sip and Paint Social Event to celebrate her first year.

Joilee’s company began as a home-based business in March 2020 and grew enough to open a storefront in March 2021. Her event was held on March 5, 2022, and featured food, tea, guest speakers and networking.

2. March is recognized globally as International Women’s Month.

Born and raised in Greensboro, NC, Joilee Havner’s grandmother was a librarian at North Carolina A&T. In addition to her grandmother, she cited the late Maya Angelou and Debra L Lee (formerly of BET Networks and Greensboro, NC) as people that she was inspired by.

Five (5) Things to Know About Joilee Havner

  • She graduated from Dudley High School in Greensboro, NC.
  • She attended the illustrious North Carolina A&T State University.
  • She lived in Los Angeles for 6 and 1/2 years and worked in public relations.
  • She founded Glow Nutrition in Greensboro at the height of the global pandemic.
  • Her business is located at 4719 Gate City Boulevard Suite C, Greensboro, NC 27407.

What can you tell us about Glow Nutrition?

Joilee: At Glow, it’s more than just the shakes and the teas. We’re full nutrition so when you come in, we’re able to sit down with you and do a full body wellness profile that includes your skin and eyes as well as bone health and aging. What I love about it is that I’m able to help anyone of any age in any area. I’m also able to help athletes both post-workout and pre-workout. We’re just a full-service space where you’re able to come in and get the information you need and then also purchase the products that you need for your home.

Sometimes there is this stigma that being healthy is expensive and we can’t really afford it, but if you really break it down, we end up paying for it in the end.

Joilee Havner Is the Owner of Glow Nutrition in Greensboro, NC

How has your life changed since you found nutrition?

Joilee: I always struggled with my weight because I ate so many unhealthy things. Growing up, I had no idea they were unhealthy. I would go to a lot of places that were around my high school on the east side of town and we didn’t have many options. When I moved to LA after graduating, I got to see an expansion of what I considered healthy. I had never eaten vegan before, and I ate that. There were just so many things that I never got exposed to here that I was able to get exposed to there. When I moved back, I decided to bring it with me, but also make it something that people really feel. Because if it doesn’t taste good, it’s not going to happen. I lost 12 pounds using the products, so I was just really thankful that I was able to improve my nutrition and help my community.

How do you develop yourself outside of work?

Joilee: I like to connect with women outside of work. I really love to build friendships through Glow. When people walk through the door, we get to know each other. It’s not just ‘hey come pick up a smoothie’. We really build a community. I love to network because maybe I know someone that can use your services and vice-versa. You can find Glow Nutrition on Facebook and Instagram @GlowNutritionGSO and connect with me on Instagram @TheLJRoseProject.

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